Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Top 5 Books Booktube Made Me Read

So we have another Top 5 Wednesday video, and today's top 5 Wednesday topic is the top 5 books booktube made me read.

So at number 5, we have
This was a recent read for me, and it's been so popular on booktube lately that I felt like I had to read it.  Since everyone was so vague about it I felt like I had to read it so that I could have my own opinion on it.

At number 4, we have
This wasn't necessarily pressure from booktube, but more pressure from Jesse at Jessethereader.  He has such good taste in books that when he talked about The Archived so often I knew it was most likely going to be excellent so I had to pick it up.

At number 3, we have
So many people on booktube have talked about Fangirl and just Rainbow Rowell in general.  So I felt a little pressure to read this, and I am so glad I did.  I felt like this was a great book, and I was definitely glad there was so much pressure to read this.

At number 2, we have
 Do I need to say more than Anna and the French Kiss? I feel like everyone feels a little bit of pressure to read this book from booktube, and it's just a super cute light read. I'm so glad I read it because now Stephanie Perkins is one of my favorite authors.

At number one, we have *insert long drum roll here*
If you know me at all, you wouldn't be surprised.  So many people pressured me into reading this book, and I'm so glad they did.  It was talked about so much on booktube that I felt I had to read it,and so far it is my favorite book of the year.

So tell me about any books you feel like booktube has pressured you into or your thoughts on any of these five books :)


  1. Booktube definitely made me feel pressured into reading 'Why We Broke Up' by Daniel Handler - but it was incredibly worth it!!

    1. I want to read Why We Broke Up, but I just haven't gotten it yet!
